Over 20 years of focus applying a fondness for Origami, gained during childhood, with a Contemporary approach to Sculpture making. Spear has studied under and worked with Acclaimed Artists such as Winifred Lutz, Jude Tallechet, Joe Tiberino, Melvin Goldfield, Bruce Wolfe, Larry Ludtke, Star York, Estella Loretto and David Pearson, etc. . Meeting Ruth Asawa in San Francisco was an honor, as she was a master Sculptor and the primary pioneer of Metal Origami. Spear's approach to Sculpture is archiving traditional origami in bronze as well as developing Contemporary Abstract Origami Determined Sculpture. Figurative Bronze Sculpture is an approach Spear is focusing on lately, depicting Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, the forte of his brother Noah the Boa. Noah attained a ranking of Best in the World in 2003 competing in Brazil and has developed Spear Jiu Jitsu. Spear Seeks Free expression thru sculpture with the intent of attaining maximum quality in the beautiful peaceful art of origami captured in metal.